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Digital marketing guide for Dentists in 2023 | Syed Sufiyan

Dec 20, 2022 | 0 comments

Is your dental practice struggling to get new patients? 

Then digital marketing could be the solution.  


Digital Marketing is the process of using digital platforms, such as social media, Emails, and the internet to advertise your practice to connect with patients. Unlike traditional marketing, which takes place in physical advertisement, billboards, and tv, digital marketing is 100% in digital spaces.

Digital marketing is essential in today’s world to get patients for your dental practice. It can help you grow your business, increase Return on investment and retain patients. 

This guide will help you grow your dental practice online and get patients for all your dental solutions like Teeth cleaning, Root canal, dental implants, etc. 

Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Dentists?


You may be wondering why digital marketing is so important for a dental practice. Especially if you use traditional marketing tactics and strategies.


HubSpot points out some staggering statistics about digital marketing. 


  • 86% of people find the location of a business using Google Maps.
  • Voice search is estimated to grow to $40 billion in revenue by the year 2022.
  • Over 46% of people check their smartphones before they get out of bed.
  • There are more than 2.38 billion Facebook users worldwide.
  • Over 500 million people use Instagram daily and there are over 1 billion active accounts.


Digital marketing for dentists is definitely the most cost-effective and efficient strategy than traditional marketing. While both have pros and cons, Utilizing digital marketing will prevent you from losing patients to other dental practices and ongoing growth of your dental practice. 


Best Digital Marketing Tactics for Dentists 


Organic social media marketing 


The latest statistics show that there are 4.5 billion social media users worldwide and they spend 145 minutes on average time on it. 


What if you capitalize this opportunity to promote your dental practice?

Organic social media marketing is a strategy you use to promote your dental practice with a social media page. This strategy does not include paid advertisement but you promote your practice with text, posters, and videos. 


Online presence plays a vital role in your clinic reputation and relationship with patients. 

Example- Answering patient’s questions and requesting them for reviews. 


Your social media presence is also important so your patients can share your posts and page with their friends and families. Example: If you run a contest for your clinic people will share the contest with their friends and families–you will get more followers and patients. 


To begin your social media journey youneed to create social media pages on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin and also open a business profile on Google. 


Social media advertising


Social media advertising is another way to promote your dental practice quickly. Quickly because advertising get you patients quickly than organic social media marketing. In this strategy you have to pay for social media platforms so you can get results faster. 


Paid advertisement gets you more reach because you pay social media platforms. You will get more patients with this strategy. 


Best part of paid advertising is you can target people who like dentists, teeth whitening etc. This will get you more targeted patients. You can also choose demographics like age, and gender of the people you want to target. 


Content Marketing 


If you not build a website for your dental practice, Now is the right time to build it. Your website is like a hub for your marketing efforts. 


Your website is top tool to promote your dental practice, book appointment with patients and provide information about dental practices. 


Content plays an important for your website because:

  • Establish authority of your dental practice 
  • Building relationships with patients 
  • Educating your patients about your practice.
  • Increase conversions and increase Return on Investment


To increase the traffic on your website you can create infographics, blog posts, video content, and paid advertisements to promote your dental practice and get more patients. 




Search engine optimization(SEO) is one of the effective marketing strategy. It involves various methods to increase your website ranking, making it visible when patients search keywords on Google. 


Let’s say your practice is in New York. You need to rank your website on the “New York dentist” keyword. You have to do keyword research, write content and build backlinks so you rank on Google. 


SEO strategy for Dental Practice:

  • DO keyword research
  • Have a list of keywords you want to rank 
  • Create new pages for each keyword 
  • Write SEO optimized article 
  • Create backlinks for your website
  • Promote blog on various platforms 


Google algorithm changes regularly. So you need to hire a digital marketer or SEO to do SEO for your website. 


Get online reviews 


When your patients research your clinic, they will check your online reviews. They will book an appointment if they find your reviews good. 


Google and Facebook are tools to collect your dental practice reviews from patients. 


After the service, you can request your patients to leave an online review. It will take only a minute.


Email Marketing and marketing automation


Email marketing plays a vital role in promoting your dental practice. Email allows you to add text, videos, images, and infographics to communicate with patients. 


First, Always send emails by taking consent from patients. To do this ask them to signup for a newsletter after they book an appointment. 


You have to build trust by sending some dental tips. Just cannot send promotional emails always. Patients will get annoyed. 


Second, Try to personalize emails by writing the patient’s name. This will increase open rates and CTR (Click through rates)


You can use tools like Mailchimp or Convertkit to write and automate emails. You will find free templates to write emails and also build email lists. 




These strategies are not too difficult to implement if you have good knowledge and experience of it. 


You can hire digital marketing to do your dental practice marketing and get patients through the internet.


My agency can help you bring patients and increase your ROI (Return on investment).

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