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22 Immutable laws of marketing book summary/ Grow your business and increase revenue

Jul 16, 2023 | 0 comments

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” is a book written by Al Ries and Jack Trout that delves into principles and strategies for effective marketing. It outlines 22 fundamental laws that serve as timeless guidelines for building successful marketing campaigns and achieving long-term business growth

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Let’s discuss the laws 


1. The Law of Leadership.


Many people believe that if you create a better product or service you will get a lot of sales but if you compete with a top company in your industry you will not get it since you have violated the first law of marketing which is “the law of leadership”. 


It’s better to be first then to be better in the business


It’s better to create a new category and be the leader in that category this is the law of leadership.


You can understand the law of leadership by considering two questions:

  • Who was the first person to fly the Atlantic Ocean solo? Charles Lindbergh, right?
  • Who was the second person to fly the Atlantic Ocean solo? Not as easy to answer, is it?

The second person to accomplish a significant feat, like flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean, often goes unnoticed. Despite being a better pilot than Charles Lindbergh, Bert Hinkler remains relatively unknown.

In any industry, the leading brand is usually the first one that comes to mind. Think of Hertz in rent-a-cars, IBM in computers, or Coca-Cola in cola.

Hewlett-Packard introduced the first desktop laser printer and now holds a significant share of the market. Being the first often leads to maintaining leadership, with the brand name becoming synonymous with the product itself. Just like Xerox for plain-paper copiers.

While Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon and Roger Bannister the first to run a four-minute mile, the seconds often fade from memory. This principle applies to brands as well. Thomas’ was the first brand of English muffin, and Gatorade the first sports drink.

Being the first creates a lasting impression that is hard to replicate.


2. The Law of the Category 


Do you know the third person to fly the Atlantic Ocean solo? 

It was Amelia earhart, she was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean

After  Heineken became huge success in high price of imported beer, the people at Anheuser-Busch thought if there is market for imported beer there should be market for high price domestic beer so they started Michelob, it became largest selling domestic beer company.


If you didn’t get into the prospect’s mind first, don’t give up hope. Find a new category you can be first in

There are many different ways to be first. Dell got into the crowded personal computer field by being the first to sell computers by phone. Today Dell is a $900 million company.


When you launch a new product, the first question to ask yourself is not “How is this new product better than the competition?” but “First what?” In other words, what category is this new product first in?

How do I get people to prefer my brand? Forget the brand. Think categories. Prospects are on the defensive when it comes to brands.

Everyone talks about why their brand is better. But prospects have an open mind when it comes to categories. Everyone is interested in what’s new. Few people are interested in what’s better.

When you’re the first in a new category, promote the category. In essence, you have no competition.

3. The Law of the Mind

It emphasizes the importance of being the first in the prospect’s mind, rather than being the first in the marketplace.


This law highlights the challenge of changing someone’s perception once their mind is made up.


The examples of IBM and Wang illustrate how being first in the prospect’s mind can lead to success, even if another company was technically first in the marketplace.


Xerox’s failed attempt to transition into the computer business further reinforces the difficulty of changing a firmly established perception. Apple’s success in getting into its prospects’ minds can be attributed, in part, to its simple and memorable name, compared to competitors with complicated names.


4. The Law of Category


It advises that if you cannot establish yourself as the leader in a specific category, you should create a new category where you can become the leader. This principle highlights the importance of differentiation and finding a unique position in the market. Miller Lite’s introduction as the first light beer exemplifies this law by creating a new category and becoming the leader in that niche.


5. The Law of Exclusivity


It emphasizes that being the first or the only one in a specific category or market niche can provide a significant competitive advantage. Apple’s iPhone serves as an example of how being the first to offer a groundbreaking product with unique features and design can capture consumer attention and loyalty. The exclusivity and desirability surrounding the iPhone enabled Apple to establish itself as the leader in the smartphone industry and maintain a competitive edge.


The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” provides a practical and strategic framework that can help marketers and business owners make informed decisions, build strong brands, and effectively communicate their value propositions to target audiences. By following these laws, companies can navigate the competitive landscape and increase their chances of marketing success.


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