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Atomic Habits Book Summary: Power of Small Changes

Jun 4, 2023 | 0 comments


In this blog, you will see book summary of best selling self-help book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. 

British cycling where in a bad face and very Medicare in the championship. In 2003 the governor body hired a performance coach.

He made Chinese changes with British cyclists like they added big seat in the cycles, rubbing alcohol in the petals for more grip, used bio feedback sensors while training there athletes etc. 

By doing this in 5 years they won 60% of gold medals in 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. After 4 years in the Olympic games in London, they made 9 Olympic records and 7 World records

If you get one person better every day by 1 year you will be 37 times better in a year. but if you get one percent worse every day by 1 year you will be less than zero which is 00.03%.

Check out full and in-depth video on youtube 

The author tells four laws to build better habits: 

1st law: Make habits obvious

In Great Britain, there was one study conducted by researchers among 248 people. 

They divided the group into 3. The first group was set to track the exercises, and for 2nd group they said to track ans also motivated,  for 3rd group they were motivated and also asked to exercise at specific time and place.

35% from group 1 and 2 dis exercise in 1st week, and 91% did exercise in a week from 3rd group.

You have to develop a detailed plan to develop a habit. 

To develop a habit follow this formula:

  • I will do this activity at this time in this location. For example, I will meditate at 3:00 p.m.
  •  I will exercise at 3:00 p.m. at my local gym

Habit stacking: It is a technique that involves attaching a new habit to an existing habit or routine. The idea is to leverage the power of existing habits to make it easier to establish and maintain new habits.

The concept of habit stacking is based on the principle of “cue and response.” When we perform a habit, it acts as a cue or trigger for the next habit. By intentionally linking a new habit to an existing one, we can create a chain of actions that become automatic over time.

For example, let’s say you want to incorporate reading into your daily routine. If you already have a habit of drinking coffee every morning, you can stack the new habit of reading with it. The cue of making coffee will serve as a reminder to read a few pages of a book. Over time, the act of making coffee will automatically trigger the desire to read, making it easier to establish the habit.

Design your environment


Creating an environment that supports your goals and desired habits is essential for personal growth and success. Author James Clear emphasizes the power of optimizing your surroundings to make positive changes easier and more sustainable. Here, we explore the key insights from the book on designing your environment to foster better habits and achieve your goals.

Make Desired Behaviors Visible: To reinforce positive habits, it is important to make them visible in your environment. For example, if you want to drink more water, place a water bottle on your desk or kitchen counter. This visual cue serves as a reminder and encourages the behavior.

Remove Temptations: Identify and remove or minimize distractions and temptations that hinder your progress. If you are trying to limit screen time, create a designated phone-free zone or use website blockers to avoid distractions.

Use Environment as a Cue: Design your environment to act as a cue for desired behaviors. For instance, if you want to read more, place a book on your bedside table, making it easier to develop a nightly reading routine.


2nd law: Make habits attractive


It refers to the idea of designing your environment and cues in a way that makes it easier and more appealing to adopt and maintain positive habits.

By making habits attractive, you increase the likelihood of engaging in them consistently and successfully. Here are some key strategies to make habits more attractive:

  1. Environment design: Set up your physical environment in a way that encourages the desired habit. For example, if you want to exercise regularly, create an inviting workout space at home or join a gym with an appealing ambiance.
  2. Visual cues: Make use of visual cues that remind you of your habit. This could be as simple as placing a yoga mat in a visible spot or keeping healthy snacks at eye level in your pantry.


3rd law: Make habits attractive


The idea behind making habits easy is to eliminate barriers and friction that often hinder the adoption of new habits. By designing an environment that supports desired behaviors and implementing simple techniques, individuals can make it easier to stick to their habits and achieve long-term success.

One strategy to make habits easy is habit stacking, which involves linking a new habit to an existing one. For example, if someone wants to develop a habit of reading before bed, they can stack it with the existing habit of brushing their teeth. This makes it easier to remember and perform the new habit consistently.

Another technique is to reduce the effort required to perform a habit. This can be done by breaking down the habit into smaller, manageable steps. For instance, if someone wants to start exercising regularly, they can start with a short five-minute workout instead of aiming for an hour-long session right away. This reduces the perceived effort and increases the likelihood of sticking to the habit.

4th law: Make habits satisfying

Developing habits that are rewarding and enjoyable can significantly increase the chances of their long-term adherence. Here are key insights on how to make habits satisfying without plagiarism.

  1. Add Instant Gratification: Incorporate immediate rewards into the habit formation process. For example, if your habit is to exercise daily, reward yourself with a small treat or watch your favorite TV show after each workout. This instant gratification helps associate positive feelings with the habit, making it more enjoyable.
  2. Track Your Progress: Keep track of your habit development progress. Use a habit tracker or journal to mark each successful completion of the habit. This visual representation provides a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to continue the habit.
  3. Make it Social: Engage in habits with others or join communities with similar goals. Social interaction and support can make habits more enjoyable. For instance, if your habit is to read daily, join a book club or find a reading buddy to discuss books with.
  4. Find Intrinsic Motivation: Connect the habit to something personally meaningful. Understand the underlying values and reasons for pursuing the habit. If your habit is to eat healthier, remind yourself of the long-term health benefits and how it aligns with your overall well-being.
  5. Celebrate Milestones: Set milestones and celebrate when you achieve them. Break down your habit into smaller, achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach each milestone. This reinforcement enhances the satisfaction and motivation to continue.
  6. Experiment and Adjust: Continuously assess and modify your habits to make them more satisfying. Experiment with different approaches, timings, or environments to find what works best for you. By adapting and optimizing your habits, you increase the likelihood of long-term adherence.

Do you want to live a long and happy life? Check out the full and in-depth book summary video of Ikigai by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia


 Hope you got some value from the Atomic Habits book summary. 

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