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Become wealthy by getting more customers for your business

Feb 14, 2024 | 0 comments

Do you want to buy a home? Cars? Expensive gadgets? 

By getting more customers, you can increase your business’s revenue. 

In this blog, you will learn strategies which will help you become a top entrepreneur or top professional 

Watch video to learn more- 

In this blog, you will learn about the following topics: 

  1. Facebook ads
  2. Google ads
  3. Search engine optimization 
  4. Social media marketing
  5. Email marketing 


Let’s learn all these to get you shit load of leads for your business 


  1. Facebook ads:

In this you have to create : 

  • Creating grand slam offer 
  • Landing page 
  • Ad creative and video 
  • Launching ad
  • Testing ad
  • Optimising it 
  • Scaling 


 2. Google ads 

In this you have to do:

  • Grand slam offer create 
  • Keyword research 
  • Landing page
  • Bidding strategies 
  • Ad copy 
  • Launching 
  • Optimising 
  • Scaling 

3. Seo 

In this you have to do:

    • Market research 
    • On-page SEO

  • Title 
  • -Meta description 
  • -Robots.txt 
  • -Sitemap 
  • Off-page SEO
  • -Backlinking 
    • Technical SEO 

  • -Mobile optimization 
  • -Loading speed 


4. Smm

In this you have to do:

  • Market research 
  • Social media calender 
  • Promotion posts
  • Boosting posts
  • Replying to DMs and comments
  • Posting content 
  • Optimising 

5. Email list 

In this you have to do:

  • Target market research
  • Email list 
  • Email copy 
  • Sending broadcast emails 
  • Drip marketing
  • Nurturing emails
  • Optimising