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What to learn in digital marketing to get a job?

Sep 28, 2023 | 0 comments

Do you want to start a career in digital marketing? 

Do you want to get a digital marketer job? 

A career in digital marketing is great for earning a good income or starting a business


Digital marketing can help you earn money from home, from the office or from anywhere in the world

Check out the video on starting a career in digital marketing: 

I myself a digital marketer, I know a thing or two in my more than 2 years of experience in this field


In this blog I will tell you: 

1. What to learn in digital marketing to get a job?

2. Which website to apply to so you can get your first digital marketing internship/job?


So let’s get started


It’s important to know all categories of digital marketing


Main categories to learn in digital marketing to get a job: 

1. Search engine marketing

Here it would help if you learned PPC ads like Google ads, Bing ads, etc 

Digital Marketing Recruitment GIF by clockworkTalent

In Google ads essential topics to learn: 

  • Define your goals
  • Competitor research
  • Develop good offer and USP
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Structure your campaigns and ad groups
  • Create compelling ad copy
  • Design effective landing pages
  • Set up conversion tracking
  • Optimize bidding and budgeting
  • Continuously test and iterate
  • Monitor and analyze performance
  • Iterate and scale

    2. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization involves a process to rank a website on Google. 

Through SEO you can get free traffic and leads for your business which can help you increase revenue


In SEO crucial topics to become a search engine optimization executive are: 


On-page optimization:

  • Titles
  • Meta description
  • Keyword research
  • Sitemap creation
  • Robots.txt 


Off-page optimization: This involves creating backlinks for your website

Some of the strategies to get backlinks are:

  • Guest posting 
  • Local directory linking 
  • Broken backlink 
  • H a r o 
  • Quora linking 
  • Medium linking


Technical optimization: 

 in this optimization, you have to learn 

  • Mobile responsiveness 
  • Quick website loading
  • Minimizing JavaScript code
  • Minimizing images size

3. Social media marketing

To become a social media marketer you have to promote business products or services through social media channels to get leads and increase brand awareness.


Crucial topics to learn to become a social media marketer

  • Defining goals 
  • Competitors research
  • Creating content calendar
  • Creating engaging content
  • Social media posting
  • Monitoring KPIs

4. Social media ads 


Social media ads will help you generate leads and increase the revenue of your business.

Some of the social media ads are Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, and Twitter apps


Crucial topics to learn in social media ads: 

  • Creating funnel 
  • Creating Offer 
  • Writing copy
  • Landing page copy
  • Budgeting
  • Launching  
  • Testing 
  • Scaling

    5. Copywriting

Copywriting is salesmanship in print.

You have to use words to persuade users to take action


Crucial topics to become a copywriter: 

  • Market research
  • Creating Facebook ad copy
  • Google ad copy 
  • Landing page copy
  • Sales page copy  
  • Website copy
  • Social media copy 
  • Product pages copy
  • Videos script copy
  • Email marketing

6. Email marketing 


Email marketing is a process of promoting products or services through email


Email marketing is important to nurture the leads and also book a call for a meeting


Crucial topics to learn in email marketing

  • Creating broadcasting emails 
  • Email marketing automation
  • Promotional emails
  • Seinfeld emails 


Which website to apply to so you can get your first digital marketing internship/job? 


There are many websites to get your first digital marketing job


Here are some of the websites

  • Internshala 
  • LinkedIn 
  • Indeed 


I hope you have learnt some of the topics to learn digital marketing and also websites to apply for your first digital marketing jobs 


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