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Interview with Shivangi Singh(Digishivangi)

Jul 23, 2022 | 0 comments

This is an interview with Shivangi Singh (Digishivangi).


Who is Shivangi Singh?


Shivangi Singh is a Digital Marketer.She helps people to grow their brand through Digital Marketing & High-quality creatives.

In this interview, we will see her journey as a digital marketer.

The Interview

1. How did you discover your passion?

By the process and experience over the years.

2. What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

  • Consistency
  • Belief in myself

3. When did you start your journey as a digital marketer? 

When I joined DDip.

4. What are 3 important skills of a digital marketer? 

  • Personal Brand
  • Vision
  • Confidence

5. How should we learn digital marketing? 

You can learn digital Marketing wherever you want from some videos or some courses but in real world what you can actually do really matters. And what you do is solving other people problem or not matters much.

6. What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

  • Keep Belief in yourself
  • Never give up
  • Be consistent in whichever field you are in


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