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How to Become a Personal Brand from Digital Deepak | Syed sufiyan

May 14, 2022 | 0 comments

Do you want to become a personal brand so people can follow you and buy from you? 

Learn to become personal brand from Digital Deepak in this article. 

People see personal brand as life saviours because they change their life for good. 

If you sell product/service with  created personal brand, people will not buy from you because you have not build trust with them.

In this article you will learn: Fundamentals of Personal brand, building communities, building your character, tribe communicating, Content posting, becoming alpha and benefits of becoming Personal brand.

What is A personal brand?

Personal branding is the process of recreating the perception of an individual in the public. This is done by building authority and differentiating them from competitors and increasing their reputation. 

Think of brands like Apple and Tesla. Yes, they sell products but they also have values and emotions.

Personal brands are trustworthy, unique, and authentic. They help you professionally and personally and have a strong reputation. 

Fundamentals of Personal brand

You are already a Personal brand. Your name is a brand between your friends and family, you just don’t have total control over it.  

When you try to build your personal with the clear intention of helping people. You will become a better person and it will reflect in your personal life too.  

It’s 10x easier to run a business with the personal brand than no face behind it.

People do not buy logos they buy vision and dreams. Brand names don’t bring trust in front of people. Because it takes a long time to gain a character. Until then it has to build by a person. Eg: Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk.

Build an authentic and magnetic character. Go all in and don’t have plan B. 

When you create a new self, you become 2.0.  

Tribes for personal branding

Your tribe is the biggest asset you will build. You cannot ignore your tribe. 

You need to be a magnet that converts strangers into followers, followers into customers, and customers into raving fans. 

1,000 members in your community is better than having 10,000 followers. 

Do not brag. Be an inspiration that others want to follow you. 

Some will love you. Others will hate you. Stand for something and live with a vision and mission.  

Building your character 

Build your brand with clarity on how the world should see and perceive you. Have a clear and inspiring vision. People are attracted to people with big dreams. 

Don’t sell products/services. Sell outcome and vision. 

Eg- Bill gates said: “A computer on every desk and in every home running Microsoft software”

You have to create a specific goal for your personal brand. 

Eg: Digital Deepak had a clear intention to become the No.1 Digital Marketing trainer in India. 

Communication with tribe and world is the tool to shape your personal brand 

Be clear on what you stand and stand against. People connect better when there is a common thing that they hate. 

Have a clear storyline that is consistent and people can relate to. 

You have to teach what you have done and not what you learned. Show the results. 

Recommended Books: 

Mastery by Robert Greene: Click here to check on Amazon

Start With Why by Simon Sinek: Click here to check on Amazon 

Ikigai by Héctor García: Click here to check on Amazon   

Communication with your tribe

Use deep marketing and personalization. People will pay more attention and connect. Address each person directly. 

Share success stories and be the inspiration. Utilize all communication channels: Social media, Email, SMS, Live webinars, events, Telegram, and Whatsapp.

Use all types of content formats: Text, Video, live webinars, and chatbots.

Leverage merchandise: keychains, T-shirts, Pens, notebooks, brochures, and so on.

Inspire your tribe consistently by providing videos, conducting webinars, and building anticipation for the people to get excited. 

Release content consistently. Don’t be broad, Provide specific knowledge to your tribe. 

Feature people in your tribe. Give awards and recognize them. 

Building Your Perception and Authority 

We are influenced by a person if he has more authority. 

When we do not know something well, we trust other people who know things better than us. The power of influence comes from authority. 

If other authorities influence us, we can influence other as an authority ourself. 

Indicators of authority: Projects, certification, Recognition in the industry, books.

Content ideas to share with your tribe 


Keep reading from books, videos, seminars and real life experiences. If you find it inspiring share on your social media and write a blog. 

Interview other personal brands or experts in your niche. It creats Free content. 

Attend events and share your experience.

Becoming Alpha in Your Niche 

Becoming alpha is a mindset. It is not based on your external circumstances. 

People will notice if you are needy for selling. You need to talk from the position of abundance. Abundance of knowledge and power. 

You should have so much of value to provide and the products should be so great that you don’t need to sell hard and convince people. 

An alpha personal brand and alpha product will always be in demand. 

Personal branding to get Your Dream Job 

A book is judged by its cover. A blog, a decent number of followers on social media, and a few videos on YouTube can instantly set you apart from other candidates competing for the same position. 

If you want to get a job at the company, you can write an article about the industry and mail the CEO. You can get 2-3 responses if you reach out to 10-15 CEO. 

Write some industry data or content that will help the company. You need to become become familiar with multiple people from the company to get through.

Personal branding for Digital Freelancing 

You should show your results of paid advertisement, SEO or blogs to Clients if you are going to start freelancing in the digital marketing niche.

The best way to show your results is to show your own blog, the website traffic and community you built. 

You can write blogs in your niche. Clients will hire you over other people because you have authority. 

Clients will check your website when you send the cold email. Adding testimonials in the website will increase your chances to get clients. 


Hope you have learned how to build your personal brand from Digital Deepak. 

Comment your thoughts below. 

Further reading 

Learn to run Google call only ads so customers can call you

Learn to run Facebook lead gen ads to get customers


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