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How to create Google call-only ads so customers can call you

Apr 30, 2022 | 3 comments

Do you want to generate leads for business through Google call-only ads?


In this article, you will learn to create Google ads call-only campaign where customers will call you to buy or to learn more about your service or product. 


It’s essential for businesses to appear in Google search when customers search their queries. 


With Google call-only ads you can appear on top of Google search when your customers search for their problems. 


This article will be helpful for bloggers, digital marketing professionals & business owners. 


So let’s begin

Google Advertisement Fundamentals


Before you run ads, research about your target market like their hopes, desires and pain.


After gathering data, see your competitor know their offer, features and benefits for the customers.


Once you know this create your unique offer better then your competitors.


By thai you will get more click and conversions for you ads


Check-out this book from Alex Harmozi CEO of Acquisition to create offer that your audience will feel stupid to say no- Click here to buy the book


What are Google call-only ads?


Google Call ads are created to bring customers to your business, and shown to only devices that can make phone calls. 


When a customer searches for something on Google, your ad will appear there and you will get a call when the customer clicks on the ad. 


How to set up call-only ads

Now you will see to run Google Call-ads effectively.

This strategies will help get more calls. 



    Step 1: Choose your campaign objective

    Choosing right objective is crucial for the adverting.

    For phone calls we have to choose the following objective in Google ads:

    • Leads
    • Sales
    • Campaign without objective 

    Step 2: Select campaign type 

      After choosing objective you have to select campaign type as Search and select phone calls

      Step 3: Select the budget and bidding option


      Budget for Google ads: 

      Yo have to add small budget to start with around 300 Rs  / $10-$20 is fine. 


      Based on data you get after publishing the campaign, you can increase or decrease the budget. 


      You can spend 80% budget for cold advertisement and 20% for remarketing. 


      Bidding in Google ads:


      Google ads several bidding strategies depending on campaign type. 


      You can choose on getting clicks, impressions, views or conversions. 


      Bidding options in Google ads:


      • Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)
      • Target ROAS (Return On Ad Spend)
      • Maximize Conversions
      • New: Maximize Conversion Value
      • Enhanced Cost Per Click (ECPC)
      • Maximize Clicks
      • Manual CPC Bidding
      • CPM Bidding (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)
      • CPM Bidding (Cost Per Viewable Thousand Impressions)
      • CPV Bidding, (Cost Per View)
      • Target Impression Share Bidding

      Step 4:  Adjust the Campaign settings 


      To reach to the right people start defining key campaign settings.


      Network:  Select Include Google search partners to show ads on Google Search results and other Google sites when people search relevant to your product/service.


      Locations: You can select any location in the world like cities, regions. Pincode can also be added to locations it’s called Geo targeting


      Languages: Select language your audience(customers) speak. English , hindi or other.


      You can select audience based on demographics, remarketing or interest. 


      Currently, the following audiences are available:


      Visitors to your website who arrive at a page, visit one page but not another, or do another specific action.


      People who have subscribed to your channel, watched a video/ad, or commented/liked a video are all examples of YouTube audiences.


      People who have shown that they are actively looking for the product or service you offer are said to be in-market.


      Affinity: Affinity groups are formed depending on the sites visited and searches conducted.


      Custom affinity/intent: Focuses on interests or purchasing intent using keywords/URLs.


      Searches and sites visited on important milestones yielded the best guesses.


      Detailed demographics: self-reported data (age, income, gender, house ownership, and parent status).


      Customer Lists: Emails/location data acquired with the consent of your customers/prospects.


      Similar Audiences: People who seem to have similar traits as those in an existing



      Start and end date: You can create and end the google phone calls ads at any day of the week. 


      If you want to run ads for only 2 days or 1 month, it’s possible. 


      You just have to edit the start and end date. 

      Ad schedule: Your ads will show during the time you specify time you specify when you create ad an schedule. Your ad will not appear when the dates and time aren’t listed in the ad schedule. Make sure you select specific date and time of your business to get calls.


      Step 5: Add Keywords & write ads 


      Keywords are the phrases or words that you choose to determine when and when your ad can appear. 


      A great keyword list will help your ads to get good performance and avoid higher prices. Poor keywords will get you low quality clicks and pushes your ad to lower position


      Keyword Match Types


      Broad match


      Here ads can show to the searches related to your keywords, Which can include the searches not related to your keywords. Due to this you get more visitors to your website or calls to your business.

       The syntax for broad match is just input the keyword


      Broad match keyword: Low carb diet plan

      On searches ads may show  for: low carb diets, low calorie recipes, carb free foods

      Phrase match: 


      Ads may show on searches that give meaning to your keywords. With phrase match you only show your ads to searches that include your product or service. 


      Here you will get more searches than exact match and less searches than phrase match 

        The syntax for phrase match is to put quotes such as: “cars”


      Phrase match keyword: “football shoes”

      On searches ads may show  for: shoes for football, blue football shoes


      Exact match:


      Here ads can show on same intent or same keyword as the keyword. You will get fewer searches compared to other keyword options.

       The syntax for exact match is to add bracket in keywords, such as: [cars]


      Exact match keyword: [shoes for men]

      On searches ads may show  for: men shoe, shoes men, shoes for a men

      Writing ads

       When writing ads  you have to add features, benefits and Call to action of product/service you sell.

       It is good to add minimum 2 ads in ad groups in Google ads. 

      You have to add phone number, website link and headline during creation of Google ads. 


      Step 6: Extensions to increase clicks

      Extensions are one of the important part of Google ads. If you use extensions well you will get more clicks and also improve ranking.


      What Are The Types of Google Ad Extensions?

      Each extension type will help you show more about your business. Here are extensions you can use for your ads:

      • Sitelinks
      • Callout extensions
      • Structured snippets
      • Call extensions
      • Lead form extensions 
      • Location extensions
      • Affiliate location extensions
      • Price extensions
      • App extensions
      • Promotion extensions

      hope you learned to generate phone-calls through Google call-only ads. 

      You have to create ads with different ad groups, do split testing and create multiple ads to get winners.

      How was this article, let me know in the comments.

      Further reading

      My friend Abhishek Kosta has written an excellent article to understand the basics of marketing. Check out here.


      1. Rasheed

        Very gòod presentation on google call only ads



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