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Basics of Digital Marketing | Increase Your Business Revenue

May 8, 2022 | 0 comments

Do you want to learn marketing?

This is a complete guide to marketing in 2023.

Some content is inspired by Digital Deepak.

In this article, you will learn the fundamentals of marketing, Digital vs Traditional marketing, CATT marketing funnel, integrated marketing, and personal branding.

This article is for Digital marketing professionals, Entrepreneurs, and business owners.

This post will cover everything you need to get started in your marketing journey.

What is Marketing?

Marketing has many definitions on the internet.

It sometimes gets associated with sales.

Marketing is defined as the actions taken by a company to attract the audience to its products and services through high-quality messaging.

Types of Marketing

As marketing is present over the years, we have different types of marketing.

Here we focus on 2 main types of marketing.

1. Traditional marketing: This is a form of promotion that reaches an audience offline. As there was no internet in the ’80s and early ’90s, companies used traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing involves the promotion of products and services through channels like print, telemarketing, broadcast, flyers, TV, and direct mail

2. Digital marketing: It refers to the promotion of products and services through internet-based technologies like mobile phones, computers, and other digital media.

8 types of digital marketing

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  2. Pay-per-Click (PPC)
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Content Marketing
  5. Marketing Analytics
  6. Email Marketing
  7. Mobile Marketing
  8. Affiliate Marketing

Let’s learn the Fundamentals of Marketing.

The law of marketing

Do you know marketing is based on science, not creativity?

Yes, you heard it right. Often, people think we should do marketing very creatively.
Definitely not.

Marketing starts before the development of the product or service. It starts with researching the customer and his needs.

You should clearly define what the customer wants and the benefits of using your product/service.

Create a product/service that meets customer expectations. Add bonuses to make it high quality so that it can sell itself.

If your product is amazing, customers will share it with others, which will decrease your ad spending.

Marketing is about sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time.
If you want more leads and sales, you should market to the right people, at the right time with the right messaging.

With this, we also have to communicate with customers so they can remain our customers for life.

We have to provide them with more valuable products and sell them for higher prices. which is called the value ladder.

What is the Value ladder?

A value ladder is a set of products or services that are designed to increase in value and price over time.

I will discuss more about the value ladder in future blogs

Let’s discuss one of the important fundamental parts of marketing

Marketing is means to an end.

You have to build a brand and capture a position in the mind of the customer.

For example:

  1. When people think of search engines they think of Google.
  2. When people think of Digital Marketing they think of Digital Deepak.

So you have to do marketing like people remember your name in your industry.

Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing: It includes platforms such as Television(TV), newspaper, Radio, Magazines.

If a product is generic then TV ads can reach millions at a low cost.

India has TVs in 197 million homes out of 298 million homes. Each home has approximately 4–5 people. So TVs ads reach will reach 800 million — 1 billion people.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Digital Marketing: It includes Email, Social media, SEO, Content marketing.

The reach of Digital marketing is nowhere close to TV ads but it is the best medium to reach the affluent English speakers with the population in India with the spending power of 100 million users.

The CATT Marketing Funnel & Framework

This Framework will help you build wealth in your business.

Wealth = n ^ CATT

[n] Niche: Your niche decides your success and wealth. You have to choose a niche where you are passionate about the work and you love what you do even if your pay is low while starting. Also, your niche should have a good audience.

[C] Content: Create useful and engaging content that attracts people from your niche.

Types of Content:
Blog posts/Articles
Live Webinars

[A] Attention: Drive Attention(traffic) to your content using Paid ads, SEO, Social media, and Referrals.

When you run a campaign from the above methods doing split testing will help you analyze your important traffic sources.

What is Split testing?

Split testing (also called A/B testing) is the method of conducting controlled and random experiments to test campaigns and determine which performs better.

[T] Trust: Build trust with your by creating lead magnets, Free courses, marketing automation, and retargeting.

Giving Free stuff to your audience from time to time will bring trust. Without building trust with them they cannot buy.

[T] Transaction: Convert your leads into customers with a natural sales method.

When Target customer is looking for your product and you have developed trust with them, they buy naturally with you.

The Integrated Digital Marketing Framework

In Integrated Digital Marketing we run ads to content instead of product or service. Then get people into the Email list.

Content can be blogs or youtube videos. When you publish new content you can send it to the entire Email list. From Email people will come on to my content, then they come from my other Blogs. This signals search engines that they start ranking me.

Paid ads will boost momentum in Blogs, videos, and social media. This is like CATT Framework.

You boost Blogs, videos, and social media with paid ads. Then you build trust using Email marketing then transaction happens.

Personal Branding: MassTrust Blueprint

it’s important to create a market funnel for your business.

In your business the scarce resource is trust. You have to build trust by creating valuable content.

As a marketer number, your no.1 goal is to build trust with your audience.

Why Personal branding is important?

If you know something you should market well to be known to beat the best.

People don’t want to hear from brands, they want to talk and hear from people. So don’t hesitate to tell a story about your success and failures

The Evolution of a Personal Brand

If you want to evolve as a personal brand follow these 6 steps

1. Learn: Learn new skills through concepts, facts, and procedures. After learning a new skill you have to remember its facts and practice the procedures.

2. Work: Implement what you learned in job / Freelancing or Own projects.

3. Blog: Blogging will help you understand the concepts better and it will also start building your personal brand.

4. Consult: Now you have to build your personal brand and have work experience, start consulting other businesses instead of working for them.

5. Mentor: Mentor others who want to become like you. This will scale your understanding to a whole new level.

6. Startup: Start your own product or service with the things you learned about the target market and the problem you solve.


Now you have all the knowledge required to grow your business online and build a personal brand.

I would like to know your favorite point from this article in the comment section.

See you soon.



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