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Rank your website on Google through SEO in 2023 | Syed Sufiyan

Jul 2, 2022 | 0 comments

Do you want to rank your webpage through SEO?

This is complete guide to SEO in 2023. 

SEO and quality content can help you get organic traffic and leads for your business. 

In this blog you will learn:

  • Why do we need search engines
  • How does search engine work
  • Content marketing and SEO
  • On-page and Off-page SEO
  • Keywords & Keyword research tools 

Why do we need search engines?

Organic “SEO” is Free. Its quality is high and it will offset the cost of paid ads. You can generate leads from organic traffic using optin tools and forms.

When audience search on search engine! presence on search engines is important.

Traffic from search engine has high intent and quality.

Google’s organic search results get 100x more clicks than Google search ads.

At beginning focus on long-tail keywords with good content. Than, with traffic coming you can focus on short-tail keywords.

You can promote your organic content on social media to get traffic and shares. 

How do Search Engines Work?

The primary use of search engine is to deliver quality and relevant to its users. 

Relevancy is key here. Let’s say you search for hospital but it is showing showroom. Not useful at all. 

There are multiple levels of relevancy. If you search cancer hospital but it shows results of surgical hospitals – then it is still not relevant. 

Relevancy should include location, reviews, No. of doctors, types of treatment. 

 Second is the quality of results should make you take a decision. 

The On-Page is all about relevancy. The search engine should understand what your content is about. 

That’s why it’s important to have right keywords, meta description and keywords in webpage.

A webmaster communicates with the search engine to explain more about the website. 

Google search console is the communication between the webmaster and the Google search engine.

Off-page is about quality. 

You should get backlink from authority blog. 

When other website link to your website and if you have more backlinks, then the page is considered to be important and it you will rank better


Links will happen when the quality of the content is high

Content marketing and SEO

If you understand what people want they search their queries on Google, and create content on that , SEO will take care itself.

On-page SEO is about user experience.

Off-page SEO is about good distribution, creating backlinks.

Search engines have become smarter over time just optimising for keywords will not help you rank your webpage.

Just building backlinks will not help you rank your webpage anymore. Backlinks are important but you cannot manipulate search engines with backlinks alone.

Keyword stuffing and black hat SEO used to work but not anymore.

On-page SEO

Title tag: The title tag is displayed as part of search snippet in search engine result pages (SERP). 

Meta description: The description of the website that appears in SERP.  

Header tags: H1 and H2 tags are written around headings like blog post titles and subtitles. 

Optimized images for fast loading. Alt text on images can help search engines what the image is about. 

Sites like GTMetrix and Google page speeds can tell you if your website is fast enough to give a good experience. 

Keywords in Content: Don’t insert keywords just for search engines. Write content keeping users in mind. 

Off-page SEO

Backlinks are the No.1 Off-page optimization technique. 

Google algorithm is build in such a way that, the more backlinks you add in your website the higher your website will rank in Google.

Search engine also track the number of engagement like shares once webpage is published, this also affects search engine ranking. 

Brand Mentions can help for seo but It is not effective as backlinks.

Google also tracks the author and personal brand behind the content. 

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that audience enter in search engine for specific propose, mainly for search engine optimization, and general marketing. 

It is one of the important aspect of SEO.

Keyword are important for not only seo but also for email marketing subject line, copywriting, Facebook ads, Google ads, ad copies  and landing pages.

2 Types of keywords: 

1. Long tail keywords: This are keywords with 2 more words. We have to use this keywords for our website in the beginning. Later when you get traffic you can use short tail keywords. 

Eg: Digital marketing consultant in India.

2. Short tail keywords: This are keywords with single word. This are broad keywords. 

Eg: digital marketing.

Tools for keyword research: 

1. Semrush

2. Ahrefs 

3. Google search console



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