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Social media marketing – Your complete guide for 2023

Oct 24, 2022 | 0 comments


Do you want to get lot of followers on social media?


Do you want to build a personal brand and earn money? 


Social media marketing is the best strategy to get followers, build a personal brand and gain client trust. 


In this article you will learn: 

  • The evolution of social media networks
  • The fall down of social media networks
  • Own your social network
  • Taking control of social network
  • The hard truth about social media platforms
  • Nurturing your social network
  • Building your 1000 true fans on social network
  • Building your tribe/community
  • Social media strategy for each platform


This article is for digital marketing professionals, business owners, and social media marketers. 


So let’s get started.


The evolution of social media networks was the first social media platform. It was not easy to create websites and communicate when they launched it.


Businesses created pages on MySpace and other MySpace followed them for updates and information. 


Then Facebook came up with a better product and its focus was to connect with more people. 


The monthly active users on Facebook are 2.94B and the daily active users are 1.96B.


Businesses started creating pages on Facebook. Content creators and influencers posted the content which attracted a lot of users. 


The reach for the page went down as more businesses started posting on Facebook.


The fall down of social media networks


Right now Facebook’s organic reach is dead. Your post will hardly reach to 1-2% of your followers. 


You have no control over your followers, they are not your users. They are Facebook users. 


Facebook now charges advertisers to reach their audience. Learn to run profitable Facebook ad.


Every social media platform’s reach will be earlier, but it goes down as users keep increasing. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and so on.


Own your social network 


You can use social media to tap into your audience. But you cannot build your dream home in a rented place. The land owner may ask you to increase rent or leave the land. 


Short-term strategies to increase social media traffic are waste of time and money. Instead, focus on building your own audience by building an email list/tribe and building a community. 

Your tribe cannot stay on another platform where you have no control over it. What if you push content and it doesn’t reach your audience?


Have your tribe and don’t be at mercy of another platform. 


Utilize social media marketing platforms to build brand awareness and collect emails by promoting a lead magnet.


The hard truth about social media platforms


If you always depend on social media for website traffic, you will lose in the long run because the traffic cost will keep on increasing. Traffic is the lifeblood of marketers and businesses.


The only way to own your traffic is to build your own network and platform. 


Build an email list that connects everything. 


When you have your own tribe, fan base, and loyal customers, you will be able to stand out from the competition and get more attention. 


You can promote affiliate products to your tribe to get instant commissions and promote videos, and blogs to get instant views.  


Nurturing your social network


When you start building your network, it will not be very big. But you have to work hard to build. 


Whatever the number of followers you have, you have to nurture them. You have to nurture them, or they will not bring you, new followers. 


Word of mouth is the best marketing. It brings free followers and customers to your business.


You cannot sell a product/service with advertising alone. People are becoming smarter and smarter day by day. 


When people come to your network through advertising, branding, and funnels–nurture and delight them. 


Bring results to your audience–don’t focus on fame. You will grow slowly but strongly. 


Building your 1000 true fans on social network

As a content creator, you don’t need millions of fans and followers. 


You just need 1000 true fans who will be ready to pay for your quality content. 


They will be ready to attend your meet-ups, They will buy all the versions of your products. 


You have to nurture them and keep them happy–they will refer to their network and tribe beyond your network. 


If you have 1000 true fans who pay10,000 per year, you will be able to make  ₹1 crore in revenue consistently. You can also sell affiliate marketing products with these fans to make additional income. 


Building 1000 true fans is not easy, it might take some years but it is worth the effort. 


Building your tribe/community


To build your tribe–your persona is important. You have to entertain or inspire others. 


Until you get 100 true fans don’t think about platform and technology. Use email to nurture your tribe. 


Invite your fans on a zoom call, and let them write articles on your blog. 


Add everyone to the WhatsApp group or Facebook group. 


Be a part of some other mastermind groups and engage with them–to bring some people into your tribe. 


Social media strategy for each platform


Each social media channel/platform has a different strategy to get traction for your posts. 


Spending too much time on tactics is not recommended. As you are getting started focus on one channel and go deep. 


Techniques like hashtags, social media tools, hashtags, etc. Have a short life so focus on building an email list. 


Tactics and strategies will die, but the audience and message are important not the channel. 




I hope you got some idea about the usage of social media. 


Use it to get customers through social media ads and build an email list as the platform keeps changing. 


Comment your key takeaway. I will be replying to all. 

Further reading

How to find the Target Market for Your Business | Your Dream Customer

The Marketing Sales Funnel – Your Complete Guide For 2023

The Content Marketing – Your complete guide for 2023